WW1 Italian or Southern Front Figure Sources

This comes from a blog post I did, but since it got buried with time, I thought I'd move it to some place more accessible.

As of 2020-08-19, these are the figures I know that are available for the Austro-Hungarian and Italian forces.


There are couple of offerings in this scale, including support weapons and artillery - you can find them on PlasticSoldierReview.com which I've linked below.

  • Italian  - There are no arditi or currently produced bersaglieri, but there are regular infantry and alpini.
  • Austrian - the link is to the Austrian section, but most of them are caps, not helmets, so primarily early war. Germans might make good substitutes or at least head swaps. No specific Austrian sturmtruppen sets. German versions would work well enough for these.
Italeri and ICM both offer multi-figure kits in 1/35, but options are limited

 Armies in Plastic:
  • RossMac noted that Dulcop made a 1/32 set of alpini. It's best found on eBay. The full set (click, then scroll down to see the picture) appears to contain some bersaglieri too. 


  • WWII French infantry - These figures may not be exactly correct kit-wise (certainly not the submachine gun), but they don't have the great coat problem the AiP figures have,  while also being a cheap source of regular infantry.

Waterloo 1815:

  • Italian infantry  - the only current offering I could find in this scale that is specifically intended to be the troops stated. Despite box art identical to their original 1/72 offering, they are actually bersaglieri.
For Austrians in caps, conversions are necessary.  I have often thought Airfix or Deetail Afrika Corps figures could be pressed into service with some conversion work - mostly cutting off inappropriate kit. Tim Gow in a comment on my original post suggested the possibility of using Airfix Japanese or even BMC ACW figures.


Even in metal, no one covers every contingency. However there are a lot more scale options.

6mmBaccusItalian Line infantry, bersaglieri, pioneers, cavalry, MG (line and bersaglieri), and artillery pieces
6mmBaccusAustrian Line infantry with caps, MG, artillery, cavalry
6mmIrregular MiniaturesItalian Arditi, alpini, and  bersaglieri, the latter having an mg option as well, and an artillery piece
6mmIrregular MiniaturesAustrianQuite a bit more variety, including caps and helmeted infantry, cavalry, artillery, mg, and command
10mmPendrakenAustrianSeveral sets, including vehicles and support weapons
10mmPendrakenItalianSeveral sets including support weapons
15mmEurekaAustrianCaps, mg.
15mmEurekaItalianCaps, alpini, mg, artillery crew

15mmIrregular MiniaturesAustrian Nice variety although no stormtroopers.
15mmIrregular MiniaturesItalianUse the same link as Austrian. There's no direct link. Some variety including arditi.
20mmIrregular MiniaturesAustrian Early war.
25mmOld Glory 25sItalian Infantry in both caps and helmets, alpini, bersaglieri and mgs
25mmOld Glory 25sAustrianOne infantry and one mg set.
25mmBattle Honor 25sAustrian All in caps, infantry and cavalry, as well as mg and field gun
28mmBrigade GamesAustrianAll in caps, mg, trench mortar, mountain gun
28mmBrigade GamesItalianInfantry in caps, alpini, pioneers, arditi, trench mortar, mountain gun
28mmScarab MiniaturesAustrianMixed caps and helmets in same set, sturmtruppen, support weapons
28mmScarab MiniaturesItalianInfantry in helmets, arditi, support weapons, trucks
54mmIrregular MiniaturesAustrianEarly war Austrian officer and infantry in caps and a useful gun model. If you build your own tripod, the German MG would work.
54mmIrregular MiniaturesItalianFrench infantry could work - but I haven't seen a picture of it - and a useful gun model
54mmIrregular MiniaturesAustrian/ItalianThis is a link to the Irregular Empire-multi part figures which you can piece together to form either Italian or Austrian, early or late war, as desired.


  1. I am honoured to be cited here - however unwisely - as a source of wisdom! My A-H mountain troops were largely bodged from their Airfix German WW2 equivalents.

    1. Your place here is well deserved! I'll be adding a note about the mountain troops to the 1/32 section. I need to update that section with the Irregular machine guns and head swaps as well.I should probably put links to both our posts for examples of the figures. Visual evidence for this theater in 54mm is hard to find.
