Monday, June 7, 2021

15mm Sci-Fi Sideshow

Well, I never got Burning Mountains on the table. Starting a business, even a small side-gig like teaching guitar lessons takes a lot of time. And my band started rehearsing again after a year away - so it's been like starting over.

That said, I really wanted to play a game but I didn't want to do any setting up.

I've been contemplating letting go a lot of my smaller scale figures as I rarely if ever use them, but I like my 15mm sci-fi collection of figures too much to let it go. I had to get them out to justify holding on to them.

So here is a very hastily setup game set up on a piece and half of craft foam:


Scenario is based on the one I always use from MG-42. The dice are a wall, not dice.

Control *boo hiss*

Our heroes. Cigar chomping bi-pedal bears and Goldilocks.

Gratuitous close up #1

Gratuitous close up #2

Rules used were One Brain Cell Toy Soldiers

I played several times in the span of maybe 30 minutes - our heroes managed a victory only once, ending in a rooftop duel between Goldilocks and the Control NCO. Cinematic, quick and simple and scratched the itch.

Miniatures are all from Khurasan, painted and purchased probably seven or eight years ago.