Tuesday, June 11, 2024

In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream

To my surprise, I did have a little time over the weekend to do hobby things - or rather, I made time because I was doing a lot of "productive" things and thought "I need a break."

And so I broke out my copy of last year's bomb-of-a-game-but-great-minis-value Space Marine. I'm starting in on the Tyranid termagants. I love their Alien-meets-Jurassic Park look and I'm looking forward to getting them onto the table as opponents for my Blood Ravens or, as my son tells me this fits the lore, my Plague Marines, using Grimdark Future: Firefight or possibly even One Hour Skirmish Wargames

They're push-fit models in this box (I think it's meant as a gateway drug to Warhammer 40K and they don't want to scare anyone off) but they do have to be clipped from the sprues and a little minor scraping of lines and such, but the hard plastic makes it a breeze (mostly).

There are two of each pose in this set, so I'm going to work in 4s rather than my usual 3s. 

Here's the first batch undercoated:

Since I have so many to paint (for me, 20+ figures is a whole army,but I realize for may people, it's not even a battalion's worth of figures) , I'll be using a "speed" method and mostly following this video from Sonic Sledgehammer Studio.

One notable exception, I'll be using Leviathan Purple contrast paint for the carapace.

And speaking of, two of the paints were an early Father's Day gift!

These are my first contrast paints and I'm super excited to give them a try. With 20+ Tyranids, I'll get plenty of practice!


  1. They look like a suitably horrible enemy for Space Marines. I like the idea of clip together models rather than gluing bits to myself...

    1. I am very much a fan of the push-fit models. I know the people who customize/kit-bash aren't super fond of them, but it just makes life so much easier. Before this whole "use 40K miniatures for generic sci-fi" project started, I fully planned to invest in small numbers of the the old GW metal figures - until I Iearned about the push-fit models (and that you can buy assembled plastic figures from peoples' piles of shame)

  2. The Tyranid termagants are a new foe to me, but they have an evil, ne'er-do-well look about them that I like! Your paint colors look great John, can't wait to see the finished product! And an early "Happy Father's Day" to you!

    1. Thank you, Brad! An early Happy Father's Day to you as well!

  3. 20+ ??!!
    I thought it was time consuming to paint 2 platoons of 36 each (!). I checked your link to the 'speed painting' and like it. It kind of reminds me of this: https://youtube.com/shorts/kr69oHD_MdE?si=gDus1QC2c1Z61VVN

    1. Wow that link is great - their painting looks so effortless compared to what I go through! Thanks for sharing that! I want to give that a whirl myself.

    2. The contrast paints are great for Tyranids. I wish they were around when I painted up my Tyranid army many years ago.
