Friday, December 13, 2024

Code Word: Santa's Got a Brand New Bag

Like a lot of wargamers, I purchase my own Christmas presents. I know I know, you can hear the piteous violins softly in the background.

But we do what we must and bear the terrible burden.

Now, I could wait until after Christmas to share my modest haul, but I am too excited by the last item pictured to wait.

So without further ado, here is what Santa will be putting under the tree this year.

First up is Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons

After going most of my wargaming life without making any Games Workshop purchases, I've made one each Christmas for the last few years (I blame my son). The tradition will continue this year with another of their self-contained box games.

I really enjoy Fireteam, Space Marine: The Boardgame, and Blitz Bowl, and Alex (UpTheBlue) did a play through of this awhile back and it stuck with me. So, when it was on sale for Black Friday, I took advantage. 

 At the very least, at less than $20 USD for five GW miniatures it was a no-brainer.

Will I paint the figures? I might. I might not. If I paint them, I'll probably paint them all as Blood Ravens, despite the heresy of it all.

Next up is a bundle of new recruits for my lizard folk army. My goal is to field a 2000+ point 28mm force for Age of Fantasy that I can bring to the local One Page Rules gaming group meetups. This lot, plus several sprues of Wargames Atlantic lizard folk I still haven't touched, and a second Dark Heaven command set, also taking space in the Pile of Shame, will get me there.

The one in the baggie is possibly my favorite - it's an old Grenadier model:

He's a bit vertically challenged but I'll just build up his base so his head is about even with everyone else.

Though it's jumping the gun a bit, I have already decided his paint scheme will be based on the yellow-headed gecko (not to be confused with the yellow-headed day gecko)

I had considered picking up the Grenadier lizard-man champion with lance, which was one of the first miniatures I ever had (in a Grenadier box set, when I was a kid, around 12 years old- when I had started playing AD&D - from Kay-Bee Toys, a gift from my Grandma). But seeing it now - it isn't nearly as grand as I recall it. I suppose that's true of many of the things of childhood. 

That said, even as I type this I still want one, so maybe for my birthday!

For now, all of the above is hidden away - although I hope I can remember where I stashed them when the day comes. I'm quite good at forgetting where I put things.

Santa himself will probably gift me some cash this year, and so a book or two is probably in the cards as it wouldn't be Christmas without some new reading material, but I don't want to presume anything and spend money I haven't got.

Rest assured, I have quite a long list of potential titles! 

(the post title is from the movie, Elf, spoken by my favorite character - the toy department manager)


  1. A great Christmas haul John! There's a lot of future fun to be had there! I love the "Elf" reference! It's our favorite Christmas movie and that's one of my favorite parts too!

    1. Elf is such a great movie! It's one of the few I can get my son to watch with me anymore.

  2. Great finds! I'll guess we'll see more of them on your blog.
    Do you wrap them up, and un-wrap them on Christmas again?
    I don't expect any wargaming related gifts, nor did I actually buy any my self to my self. -Well, except for that lot with knock-offs I bought in late November.

    1. I started wrapping gifts to myself from myself when my son was born. Since they were going under the tree with the other gifts from Santa, it would have raised questions if they weren't. I continue to wrap them, because, as a perpetual-kid-at-heart, I just like unwrapping them!

    2. I love it. Perhaps I should try it as well as I 'gifted my self' with the Bolt Action 2nd edition rulebook the other day.

    3. Actually Roger, we snuck into your house and put the BA2 under your tree...

  3. Yeah, I debate this every year, but it isn't worth asking for them and trying to get my wife / sister / mother to buy them for me - frankly, they don't want to, they want to buy me what THEY want me to have. It's really their gift, ultimately. I just open it.

    For myself, I got OHSW Swords and Sandals, and Middle Earth SBG's new edition with the LOTR army book. I also got a few book books. I debated wrapping them. In the end, I didn't, as not on ly is there no such thing as Santa Claus, but only my 5yo has been lied to at this point, and she doesn't notice what I get on Christ mass, anyway.

    Glad you are trying out the GW boardgames, they are quite solid, and invite plenty of tweaking. I also got the Tyranid game, as I liked the board and the SM figs that came with it. Eventually I'll have enough Nids and cultists to do OHSW and such with Caiaphus Caine, who is my main reason for liking anything about 40K anymore.
