On the one hand, the less said about 2020 the better, I suppose. On the other is my natural inclination to ramble on about my hobby. The latter has clearly won!
The biggest surprise to me this year (on the hobby front) was letting go of a portion of my figures and stalled/not-yet-started projects for which plastic had accumulated (some *still* awaiting mailing. I am the worst - this is why I don't charge for anything). The lightening of the load was inspired in part by a move, but also in part, by a desire to focus on what I have and actually use, and with a desire that each collection offers something different on the table.
Indeed, I intend to offload much of my 15mm collection in the coming year.
While I had dreams of several small campaigns, in the end, I fielded only one, albeit very satisfying, based on Operation Citadel. It allowed me to field most of the vehicles in my collection, plus guns, and a variety of figures using rules of my own design.
I started the year with a small One Hour Skirmish Wargames campaign, but life happened. I think the idea has merit, and I may return to it, but I also need to re-read the rules to see if there is anything mentioned specifically about buildings. It was a sticking point during play.
Boardgaming-wise, I played Hold the Line (1st ed) for a scenario or two, Long Range Desert Group: Special Operations Against Rommel 1941-1942, and some of the simple starter scenarios for Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid. ASLSK didn't make it to the table that I recall, but then I don't document my boardgaming as diligently as my figure games.
My WWI figures were not even touched this year - which I find somewhat disappointing, but not surprising as I have had very little painting mojo. So for 2021, they figure (no pun intended) prominently in my planning.
Finally, I cannot express well enough how much the wargaming blog community means to me. I had some wonderful exchanges with people here and on their blogs and via email (I am terrible at replying to emails, and for that I humbly apologize to all of those who wrote me this year). In a year when many saw their hobby enjoyment diminish because of a lack of face-to-face gaming, mine, if anything, expanded. I offer my sincerest appreciation for everyone who took the time to to read my ramblings, to comment, to email, or to post your activities on your own blog for the rest of us to share in.
I hope you and yours are safe and well as we go into the New Year!