Thursday, March 24, 2022

Commando: For Action and Adventure

Previously, I mentioned my purchase of the Commando Comics Airborne Assault collection. It was very much worth the price. The book contains three stories, each with inspiration for small skirmish scenarios - the kind with a squad or less per side (alone or as part of a larger action). They read like gritty war movies with the benefit that you can more easily go back to them for reference.

My enjoyment of the book led to the acquisition of the D-Day: Fight or Die! collection, a near 800 page monster of 12 issues. It was an eBay score of $12, well under the price others were asking, with the benefit of helping a charity shop - a win all around.

Each of the stories I've read so far has been a font of ideas - both for characters (important when playing with a handful of figures) and scenarios.

I highly recommend both of these books to anyone looking for ideas for smaller scale skirmish games or even WWII RPG (like Operation: Whitebox). 

Eventually, I will acquire more of these Commando collections - the Desert Rats book in particular. From what I gather, there may be some individual WWI issues as well.  I did briefly consider a subscription as it's an ongoing publication, but the per issue price is beyond my means and that makes the collections an even better bargain.


  1. Great books. But $12? I remember them being something like £0.10 each!

    1. Comic book prices have become insane. The current newsstand per issue price of Commando is £6.00! That said, in the UK if you pay by direct debit, you can get a 26 issue subscription for £.50 an issue. Sadly, that option is not available anywhere else.

  2. Looks like a great read John! One of my favorite war comics was "Guerrilla War," from the mid-sixties. Just about the same time that Marx brought out their "Guerrilla Warfare" playset. Was it a coincidence? I don't think so!

    1. Oooo I have not heard of that one! Looks like it's a Vietnam setting. The only military related comics I have read anything from previously are Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos and The Unknown Soldier.
