Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Here We Come a Camel-ing Among the Leaves so Green

I happen to have it on authority that Santa is en route, so I'll keep this short.

Whether or not you celebrate anything at all during this Winter holiday season, I hope you're able to spend time with family, friends, animal companions, and toy soldiers. Of course, I hope that for all of us always, but it seemed like a good time to mention it.

This will be the last figure I finish in 2019. Armies in Plastic camel. The color scheme was inspired by Britains and others on eBay. The rider is in progress. I wasn't going to paint up all of the camel cavalry but I really like the way this one looks, so I may add them to the 2020 pile.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


  1. Excellent Christmas Carol / camel Pun. Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Gaming Year. I hope your southern front research and games go well this coming year - fascinating period https://awayfromthewesternfront.org

    1. Thank you, Mark! I hope you had a happy Christmas and best wishes for the coming year.

  2. Replies
    1. Tank you. Ross! I hope your Christmas was merry!
