As hoped I managed to setup a game this weekend - scenario 21 from One Hour Wargames. The scenario was played using my modified Morschauser Modern rules.
The Soviets have four units to hold the hill and the town, the Germans have six units to take them, and 12 turns to do so.
To win the Germans need to be in exclusive occupation of both objectives, otherwise it's a Soviet victory. In keeping with some of the restrictions of OHW, only leg units may occupy the wooded hill or village. Therefore, as an added challenge, the Germans have to shield their infantry from elimination in order to win.
OOB (generated using OHW):
- Soviets: two infantry units, one AT unit, one mortar unit
- Germans: three infantry units, one AT unit, two tank units.
I created a plan for the Germans pre-deployment. However, there was some confusion in the arrival on the battlefield.
Overview of the table. Early morning sun streaming through the blinds.
Soviets deployed per the scenario, Germans used random deployment (cards, 1 per unit plus 3 blanks)
Lovely day for a scrap.
A less than ideal arrangement for the Germans meant some change in plans were necessary. The AT unit was supposed to support the hill assault while both armored units attacked the village .However, given their proximity, tan Panzer company was ordered to assist infantry in capturing the hill.
The Soviets deployed mortar and infantry in town. |
The Soviet AT would move at first opportunity to support the hill or defend the town as needed.
Soviet hill company is dug in (unnecessary given the hills are wooded, but it reminded me they had cover)
While half of their force advanced across the battlefield, the Germans launched their assault on the hill with infantry supported by armor, and the AT on the way. The Soviet hill company was able to call down mortar strikes on the attackers although they took quite a beating regardless.
And yet, they held on for several turns, despite a compete inability to rally and regain any lost combat effectiveness.
The German infantry were eventually eliminated- forcing the German center company to try to take the hill instead - again, only infantry can occupy the wooded hill top.
The Soviets in the village could see the infantry and Panzers advancing but could do little, read: nothing, to slow its progress at that range.
The Soviet commander, seeing the hill as possibly a lost cause, deployed the AT unit West of the village to unload on the German tanks.
Soviet guns in position - but they can't fire the same turn the unlimber. |
Overview of battle. German assault on village in foreground, assault on hill in background.
The German right company advanced to silence the guns but were only partially successful.
With the German infantry occupied, the Soviets sallied forth to close with the Panzers and unleashed ATR rounds with great devastation. This left tan Panzer company to break from the hill and deal with the Soviet guns at long range.
Salvos detonated transport vehicles and ammunition supplies, resulting in a catastrophic explosion. |
A fiercely contested battle for the hill - the Soviet defenders would be sung about and praised for years after. |
The German AT deployed to flank the Soviets on the hill. This was a tactical error as the Soviets were then able to withdraw to try to regroup behind the hill, out of sight of the German guns. Unfortunately for them, the advancing German infantry were able to fire on them from the superior position, eventually devastating the unit.
With the German AT freed up, the Germans concentrated tank, gun, and infantry fire on the village (although the AT would prove to be useless - apparently they didn't bring many anti-personnel shells).
It took house-to-house fighting to clear the last of the Soviet defenders.
Mortars gave a good accounting of themselves but could not hold out. They have a melee value of 2, compared to the 4 infantry have, so it was a surprise they dealt any damage at all. |
A German victory on the last turn allotted to the game.