Thursday, November 12, 2020


This isn't much of an update, as little has been happening on the hobby front.

I have moved my hobby desk around the apartment 4 or 5 times since relocating and believe it has finally found its more or less permanent space for now. 

Currently out on the desk (and not pictured) is my next batch of Russians. Factoring the present pace of activity, I'll consider it a miracle if they are finished before the end of the year.

I am hoping to get in some kind of not-a-video-game with my son this weekend (it's like pulling teeth). Likely candidates are Hold the Line (1st edition. He's been studying the American War of Independence so it's a nice tie in - we played the first scenario a few weeks ago and he enjoyed it) or perhaps a table-top RPG.

For some visual fare, here is the current state of the shiny British forces:

The thin khaki line.


  1. Looking good. A little exercise on the parade square is the next best thing to a game.

    1. Thanks, Ross! Indeed it was quite satisfying setting them up and moving them about.

  2. This is a nice update. You are showing us more of them and they look quite excellent!
    Regards, James

  3. An excellent looking force and one to be reckoned with...

    1. Thank you, Tradgardmastare! Sadly, I forgot to set out the lancers to accompany them (though they are still packed in a moving box).

  4. Great looking figures John. Do you have any more of the Camel Corps ?

    1. Thanks, Maudlin Jack! I have 3 more Camel Corps figures in their raw form. I had originally only intended to paint the officer to lead the army, but I really like the uniforms and, well, the camels. They will undoubtedly be painted up at some point.

  5. Looking very nice indeed!

  6. Push on! Push on! And Paint the Figs!
    I have to get seated at my painting table, also...

    1. The poor Russians have been sitting on my desk for days now awaiting their chance to dip in the hot water to straighten some rather sad looking bayonets. I am hopeful these will paint quickly ad I have made most of the paint decisions already.
