Friday, November 20, 2020

Weekend Plans

Last night, to my own surprise, I managed to get the next batch of Russians started.

Small steps mind you - they were dipped into hot water for some minor bayonet straightening and then glued to their bases.

Minty green Russians. I actually really like this color despite a complete disconnect from anything in reality.

The "plans" referred to in the subject line include priming the figures and getting painting started - blocking in the uniforms hopefully. 

And, hope beyond hope, fingers crossed and all of that, getting some kind of game in. I probably should put some brain power to thinking about that so I'm not caught flatfooted when the opportunity presents itself. 

It might even be some ASLSK, as I've been feeling the hex and chit itch lately. 

(Is it me or does "chit itch" sound like something you catch while camping or hiking?). 

(p.s. if you're still waiting for a package from me, it's coming. They are being sent out in a slow trickle, but out they are going!)


  1. Nice figures John. I also intend to get something done hobby-wise this w/e. Lets see what's happened by Monday!

    1. I hope the weekend brought you some time to do something hobby-wise!
