Saturday, July 1, 2023

Wargamers Are Some of the Best People

 Well, you are probably aware, being one yourself, but wargamers are some of the best people.

Tim Gow of Megablitz and More had a few surplus-to-need Dulcop Italians and knowing of my WWI Italian force, he asked if there were any I had need of. 

There was one, the bersaglieri carrying what appears to be a coronet that I did not have even one of. Tim generously sent one my way.

This animated fellow arrived in the post today:

If you can't picture him encouraging his fellow soldiers to advance under the withering fire of Austrian machine guns, you must be looking at some other picture.

But wait, there's more! (As some TV ads in the 80s were fond of saying)

Tim generously included several fellow Italians to keep him company in the New World:

So much energy and motion in this picture!

They will all round out my Alipini unit and bring up the strength of my Arditi. The Bersaglieri coronet players are destined to server as unit commanders.

And there was yet still more!

These beautiful figures are the Weston WW2 British. 

The sculpting is similar to the Toy Soldiers of San Diego and Conte figures I have and I'm looking forward to getting them into a game against the TSSD Germans sooner rather than later! (I've been having some fun, undocumented, games using unpainted figures with my regular table setup. There's something about the combination that I find wholly enjoyable lately)

Tim went truly above and beyond! A true gentleman! 


  1. Beaut figures; well done Tim. He'll be pleased to enjoy what you do with them vicariously, as we all will.
    I hope that you finger is healing well.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you, James. Sadly, my finger isn't cooperating. It's healing but it isn't quite right. Hopefully in time it will be. I have already fielded the Brits from Tim unpainted, against my TSSD Germans in an undocumented game and the bersaglieri are on the paint table. I'm on vacation but they should be done right after I get back as there isn't much left to do.
