Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Titus and (more) Tyranids

Well, even though I was taking my time, the paint-by-numbers approach for 40K figures meant Lt. Titus was completed early Friday evening.

So, while my son was busy with his friend online,  I clipped assembled and primed the next four Tyranids. And by Monday evening, they were done.

I leave for Western New York this weekend to visit family and friends, and with this week already fast passing by, it seems unlikely I'll assemble the last four Tyranids (not counting the two swarms), before I go, let alone finish them.

But it's a possibility.

Once the Tyranids are done, that is all of my 40K figures acquired for Christmas. If my son wants me to finish his remaining two Infernus, I'll do those. Otherwise, it's time to decide which Order (color scheme) I will paint my Sisters of Battle (or Blessed Sisters in One Page Rules-speak). 

There will undoubtedly be an expense related to paints involved.


  1. nice work! And congrats on completing a painting project. I have more than a few to get to, altho I've made progress with cleaning, prepping and priming a number of them.

    1. Thank you, Alex! These were all push fit, completely flash free, and minimal mold lines at most. I have to say, I do love hard plastic vs AiP's soft plastic, when it comes to getting rid of mold lines.

  2. What is the "Paint by numbers approach" anyway? Titus looks good to me - block painting and a brown wash / dip?

    1. I mean that I'm following a set of instructions - YouTube videos, mostly - literally step by step with only minor deviation (I refuse to buy Abaddon black when I have perfectly usable Vallejo and Ceramcoat black). The result is better than I would get if on my own I think - I don't know what colors to use, or which of the many washes to use when, or what colors to highlight with. The videos take out all of the decision making and I just follow their instructions as best I can. They are easy to churn out fairly quickly this way, too - for Titus it was white prime, base coat (I used Army Painter Dragon Red because the store was out of Khorne red ), wash with Carroburg Crimson, second base coat (Red Dragon over all of the red except recesses, black for most of the kit, gold, silver, his belt and holster were one of the many Vallejo browns I have, and Ushabati bone for the shoulders, circular back piece, and helmet). Wash the black and metallics with Nuln Oil, the Ushabti Bone with Seraphim Sepia. Then bring the Ushabti bone back up except for recesses or near raised edges. Then highlight the shoulders, back plate, and helmet with Screaming Skull. THe black was highlighted with Dawnstone, the silver was brought back up except for the recesses, and the gold was highlighted with a mix of gold and silver (I learned that from a random video I stumbled on- not sure it made much difference). Oh and the red rmor was edge highlighted with Evil Sunz Scarlet. Writing it out it sounds like a lot (it is a lot money wise if you use Citadel paints - craft equivalents would work just as well no doubt, although except for Ceramcoat Tomato Red, I rarely find craft reds cover much of anything without many many coats), but 80% of the model is red, so it's really not-maybe a few hours start to finish and a lot of that was waiting for washes to dry.

  3. Those Tyranids are excellent John, a very professional looking paint job! Have a great weekend in Western New York! I was there in Buffalo last weekend cat-sitting for my daughter, the weather has been very hot and humid!

    1. Thank you, Brad! My family is in Buffalo - I was surprised they were having so much humidity, it's not at all common there. It was actually worse there a few days that it was here in Georgia. That is saying something!

  4. Your paint-job looks awesome!
    Well done.

    1. Thank you, Roger! I really enjoy painting these figures - it might be the hand-holding of watching the videos that makes it more relaxing? Or maybe it's that the details are so well sculpted, a little paint and they look good without much effort? Probably a little of both!

  5. Nothing wrong with "paint-by-numbers"! They look great!
