Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WiP: Lt. Titus

I continue my embracing of 40K miniatures. Currently, I am working on the Lieutenant Titus from the Space Marine boardgame box. 

To make him a Blood Raven I had to scrape away any markings that clearly showed him as being an Ultramarine. The only one I could not remove was the upside-down Omega in the chest piece. Others with better hobby-blade skills might succeed without ruining the figure, but leaving it was a safe choice for me. 

That's OK - with my eyes, I can't see it from wargames distance!

I have some finishing work on the bone-colored stuff, the metal bits, and the base obviously.

I may possibly be done before the weekend, although I'm trying not to rush the painting process. A lot of irons in a lot of fires and painting is an opportunity for quiet sanity.!


  1. An excellent looking figure full of energy and power! I wish you and yours a very happy 4th of July John! Enjoy the day!

    1. Thank you, Brad! A happy 4th to you and yours as well!
