Tuesday, September 10, 2019

ASLSK#1: First Full Game!

Toy soldiers will resume shortly, I swear.

I know it's not that big of a deal but I played my first complete game of ASLSK#1 on Monday night. It was the full 5 turns allotted to S1, "Retaking Vierville" which pits elements of the US 101st Airborne against German Grenadier and Fallschrimjager units.

With the exception of close combat and the routing phase, everything went surprisingly smoothly and with minimal reference to the rule book (the scenario does not use squad weapons and I still haven't worked in smoke grenades yet. Next time). I'm not entirely sure I handled everything correctly mind you, so I'll probably watch some Youtube examples of play to make sure.

Close combat is Morschauser-esque in its brutality - both sides can be eliminated in the same close combat phase - which is why there are no Germans in the buildings in the center right.
It was a pretty convincing US victory - although that may fly in the face of the victory conditions - the closet the Germans came to occupying any of the target buildings at the end of the game is that red melee marker. Per the scenario: "The Americans win at game end if there are no Good Order German units in buildings N5, N6, M4 and L3." So, technically there's a good order German in L3, but in none of the other targets.

Tonight I worked on prepping some Airfix Germans (not even Chinese knock-offs) - scraping off mold lines (a thankless task that I'm not convinced improves things with my hamfisted handling of the blade. In fact, some days I wish I just played with unpainted plastic like I did when I first started war gaming). I'm thinking of playing a mini-campaign with the 2x2 Crossfire scenarios and using my Company Fire rules, both full and lite versions, to sort out any remaining bugs.

More on that campaign idea in another post.


  1. Glad the game went well. I am looking forward to seeing your campaign develop. How many figures do you think you will need?

    1. Hi Tradgardmastare,

      The 2x2 Crossfire scenarios all call for the same forces to fight each.

      The attacker has two platoons of three sections and one platoon leader, one mortar and crew, one engineer section and one forward observer.

      The defender has one platoon of three sections and one platoon leader, one mortar and crew, one HMG and crew, one sniper, and one forward observer, plus mines.

      I usually use two figures per section/squad (I might use three this time because I now have enough painted to do so) and one for the PLs, sniper, and forward observer. So the attacker would need 19 figures (14 for the platoons + PLs, 2 for the engineers, 2 for the mortar, and 1 for the forward observer) and the defender would use 13 (7 for the platoon + PL, 2 for the mortar, 2 for the HMG, for the sniper, 1 for the forward observer). With 3 figures per section (but still 2 per weapon team) it would still be just 26 for the attacker and 16 for the defender.
