Thursday, May 12, 2022

Crossing the Streams : A Scruby Question

Some of you know that I am the website manager/administrator (not really sure what my "title" is now that I think about it) for the the Lone Warrior site. I don't generally like to cross-post between blogs, but we had a question come in from a reader that I am certain someone out there in wargaming-land can answer, but so far it has been crickets.

You can see the actual question over on Lone Warrior.

However, tl;dr: they are trying to find two particular Jack Scruby figures:

  • Item #9731-02 “Rebel (firing, kepi hat)” from the Civil War Assortment and
  • item #9732-13 “British Grenadier (at attention)” from the American Revolution Assortment

They are, if I understood their post correctly, 54mm figures, and I have pointed them to the Little Wars Revisited forum and to HistoriFigs (who still produce Scruby figures).

However, if you can help, please feel free to head to the Lone Warrior post linked above and leave a comment - you don't need to be a member (although if you aren't, might I suggest you consider membership? You don't even need to be a solo gamer - take a look at the sample articles, free rules, and book reviews for example.) If you prefer, though, feel free to leave a comment here and I'll relay it.

 And, because every post should have a picture, even one unrelated to the content:

The ambush. (not from a game, just trying out my jungle scenery)



  1. I love the picture John! A foreshadowing of what's to come? Those lizard warriors are so quiet and sneaky as they approach the FFL! The scenery looks great too! I have an old Scruby catalogue and I too always loved his figures. He was a great guy to deal with! I used to buy his ready painted 40mm figures and they always looked great! I have found loads of Scruby's on eBay and if they stick with it, I'm sure that they'll find what they want!

    1. Thank you, Brad! My plan is to play some small Foreign Legion on patrol games with the lizard warriors in ambush while I continue painting, since few figures are needed for such a game. I adopted a set of rules from Lone Warrior many years ago for Aztecs ambushing Conquistadors into a set for lizard warriors ambushing FFL. The native troops only fight for so many rounds before fading back into the jungle. Those figures then get added to the next encounter. Between that and some random events in the rules that may cull the FFL, the successful outcome of the patrol is never guaranteed.

      I really like the Scruby WWII figures Historifigs has - the lack of much detailed kit really gives them a toy soldier look, albeit in the wrong scale for me.
