Thursday, April 27, 2023

Res Publica Color Scheme Test

 I knocked this hastati figure out rather quickly, once I finally settled on a color for the flesh.


Fear not! This figure will be given a shiny gloss, once his two compatriots on the table are painted.

I ended up using Vallejo Bronze for the skin tone - making them literally "men of bronze". Whether the background fluff will have them as metal men or just a play of light off their skin (think sparkly vampires from Twilight), I'll decide later.

The shield is Ceramcoat Laguna Blue -I love this color and used it with my lizard folk marines. I wanted an excuse to use it again!

The feathers are Ceramcoat Tahit Blue with a little white mixed in. Unfortunately, I'm out of Americana Desert Sand which I had been using for basing. So, a very old bottle of Anita's Nubby Linen it is.

Of course, with skin of bronze, I had to decide on something else for the armor and silver seemed like a good "go to" for fantasy figures.


  1. Interesting paint scheme. What brand is the blue paint?

    1. I wanted something that seemed tropical. The blue paint is Delta Ceramcoat Laguna Blue.

  2. John, In the early 18th century the British (incl. colonists in N.America) would probably describe the colour as a sea green. The 2nd Regiment of Foot had something similar for their facings until changing to dark blue in the 1760s.

    1. Hmm, I may need to find an excuse to field early 18th C. British!

  3. The bronze skin tone is brilliant John! These figures will fit right in on Venus!
