Friday, July 26, 2019

The Library Book Pt. 2 : A Game Using The Quests of Brin The Barbarian

Due to an exhausting few days at work and preparations for a performance Saturday night, I've had no time for gaming or blog activity (my apologies to those who thoughtfully posted comments on previous posts, my replies are forthcoming!). However, last night, I had a little time and decided to
put something on the table.

So, let us rejoin our hero on his quest to return an overdue and ancient tome to the library...

Following the road through the dreadful dark forest, our hero was none too surprised when a yellow-skinned goblin appeared before him, demanding he turn over his valuables. Replacement fees are far worse than late fees, and so it was that the battle was joined.

Unfortunately, in his haste to cast a paralysis spell our hero fumbled one of the words and the spell fizzled.

The goblin was not at all impressed. 

A blurry close-up.

And to add to our hero's surprise at his failure, a second goblin appeared at the edge of some trees.

And then a third!

The bow armed yellow fellow was suitably nervous engaging a spell caster and let his arrows fly with apparently no particular destination in mind. The other two charged in madly and laid some wallops on our hero that he would not soon forget.

Weakened by the failed spell and the blows of his assailants, he had no option but to try to out run the humanoids. He would not willingly give the cretins a penny.

The goblins followed and the archer, having finally calmed his nerves, let loose an arrow that struck home. Our hero staggered and then all went black.

The goblins admire their handiwork.
Is this the end of our hero?

I should think not. Tune in for the next installment!

A quick and fun game,that went not at all how I imagined and was just the thing after a tiring few days.


  1. Excellent.
    I have waxed lyrical on Jack's blog about Goblin rights and their ability to walk their own forests without being molested by wandering wizards.

    I mean, who gives these sorcerers the by your leave to walk wherever they want anyway. Surely there needs to be a negotiated settlement, pertaining to the 'Goblin Walks Act' of 1922, which clearly segregates who is allowed to walk where?

    Roll on the Grexit vote I say!

    ...and relax...

    1. Of all those who venture into the dark woods, wizards are probably the least suited to the task. To be fair, they spend an awful lot of time isolated in their towers and as such tend to be out of touch with how dangerous walking in the woods might be or how the local Goblin population might perceive their actions.

      A recent push to amend or replace the Goblin Walks Act, which you may recall is due to expire, has been under way, again, as you are no doubt well aware, but in the meantime the ambiguity has not helped matters.

      In any case, the library at Stahlhelm cares not one iota for the safety of wizards or goblins, only for the safe return of items from their collection. As such, by contract, patrons are responsible and in fact required to arrange for the return of materials. If said materials are overdue (as they almost always are when wizards are involved), then the patron must appear in person to pay any fees and to explain themselves. Teleportation would no doubt be an option but the strong anti-magic barrier surrounding the library makes it a risky venture to say the least.

  2. Nice game John- is that book ever going to get back on the shelf?

    1. That's a great question! I can't wait to play again to find out what happens. You've got a really fun set of rules there Maudlin Jack!
