My first post on this blog was a game using Morschauser's modern rules, so it seems fitting for my 200th post, that I share the modifications I am currently using.
They look rather long, but that is a function of my wordiness in an effort to anticipate questions that might arise when someone who isn't me uses them, more than any indication of their complexity. If you want to skip the remainder of my rambling preamble, scroll down to the section labeled "Morschauser Modified WWII (2020)".
Photo from Jan 31, 2020. Morschauser game using OHW scenario and forces. |
Please note, you will need a copy of Morschauser's book - either in the original
John Curry edition to get the most use from these,
as I don't want to infringe on copyright and all that I've left out most everything that you can find there.
These rules make use of the Roster System (Chapter X in the Curry edition).
Morschauser calls the circles on his Roster "sections" and these are based on the "actual fire power of the Unit's weapons" - which isn't terribly convenient, as he doesn't give any way to convert firepower into "sections", never mind that "section" already means something in a WWII setting..
So, taking some liberty, I've generalized these "sections" into Roster Points or RPs. Roster
Points encapsulate the number of sub-units, but also their morale, and supply. It is measurement of
their ability to continue fighting not unlike Bob Cordery's Strenth Points from
The Portable Wargame or Neil Thomas's "hits". You can use Morschauser's "section" values as given, or you can modify the RPs.
Typically my starting point is the number of immediate sub-units - this helpfully allows for variety depending on country, theater, and
year of the war. So, a typical rifle unit (read company) would have 4 RPs (3 platoons + 1 support platoon).
That value can be adjusted up or
down to denote abundances or deficiencies in any of the areas mentioned. Green or veteran units can have less or more RPs respectively, for example.
- For unit melee power, unless otherwise noted, I use Morschauser's ratings.
- The headings below (in all caps) match Morschauser's existing
headings, so you can match them up and compare my changes/additions or,
in some cases, they are an entirely new heading for something not
covered in Morschauser's rules-as-written.
- I have included two different approaches for firing - OHW style
games with 6 units or less per side may benefit from the 1d6 per unit
method rather than per RP.
- The ranges given here are not true to the weapon types but adjusted
for the table and the limits imposed by the addition of a spotting
distance rule.
- If using a larger base - say Morschauser's suggested
3" base for 54s - but for a platoon per base, change the scale to 1" =
30ish yards. For firing, you can use his ranges as written or adjust
accordingly. For movement, I suggest using his ranges as written with
the 3" bases, or borrow Neil Thomas's movement ranges from One Hour Wargames, as either seems to work.
Archival photo from 2016. Morschauser rules used for US infantry assault inspired by Band of Brothers depiction of Carentan. |
Morschauser Modified Modern Period Rules
1" = 100 yards
1 tray = 1 company
1 turn = 15-30 minutes
Mounted motorized and armored infantry move per their transport.
Rifle: Move: 6" / Weapon Range: 6"
SMG: Move: 6" /Melee Power: 5 / Weapon Range: 1"
Infantry antitank weapons: Move 6" / Weapon Range: 1"
Engineers with Flame: Move 6" / Melee Power: 5 (because flamethrowers) / Weapon Range: 6" (for their rifles)
All infantry units are assumed to have at least AT grenades if not dedicated infantry AT weapons. The only reason a separate AT weapon unit is listed here is to account for the dedicated Soviet ATR companies (since I am using these rules currently with the Eastern Front forces I have) - which should be treated as Morschauser's Antitank rocket unit with respect to melee power and the roster.
Mounted mortar, MG, or mixed mortar/MG companies move at the speed of their transport when embarked.
The 6" minimum range for the mortars is certainly not accurate but is included to give additional differentiation with the MG units.
Mortar : Move: 6" or per transport / Weapon
Range: 6" - 36"
Mortar: Move: 6" or per transport / Weapon
Range: 6" - 48"
MG: Move 6"/ Weapon Range: 9"
Mixed(MG+Mortar) : Move 6" / Weapon range: up to max for mortar type
In progress
May be on or off table.
[I have yet to write anything for this section, as it hasn't come up yet, but it will likely be similar to the mortars - with field, medium, heavy, mountain, etc. guns and their ranges being quite large or irrelevant, as the whole table would be in range.
I am contemplating attaching Forward Observers to specific units in order to limit the impact, no pun intended, of off-table artillery]
ATG (not self-propelled): Move: per transport / Weapon Range: 12"
Tank (or Self-propelled ATG): Weapon Range: main gun 12" / 9" MG at infantry targets only
car: Move: 15" road / 6" off road / Weapon
Range: based on armament (MG: 9", ATG: 12")
Half-track: Move: 12" road / 9" off-raod / Weapon Range: if has MG, range: 9"
Wheeled vehicles: 15" road / 6" off road. Weapon Range: if has MGs, range: 9"
- Initiative - winner is Side A and goes first
- Side A Recover / Resupply Check
- Side A Move/Shoot
- Close Combats
- Repeat steps 2-4 for Side B
- End of Turn
Each side rolls a six-sided die. High
score has the initiative and is Side A for the turn. The other side is
Side B for the turn.
unit that has suffered a loss of Roster Points during a previous turn, may
attempt to regain one RP at the start of their current turn by rolling 1d6.
If the unit is in the open, on a 4 or 6, they regain 1 RP.
If the unit is in cover, on a 2, 4, or ,6, they regain 1 RP.
A unit may not recover/resupply beyond the RP value it started the game with unless otherwise dictated by the scenario.
Morschauser's movement rules apply with the following additions:
- If movement involves leaving one terrain type for another, movement
stops upon entering the new terrain type unless the new type is open
terrain, or the unit is traveling by road.
- Guns may not limber, move, and unlimber in the same turn.
- Gun transport may only move at 1/2 rate when limbering or unlimbering in the same turn.
- Motorized / Mechanized infantry / heavy weapons units may not embark and disembark in the same turn
Morschauser's firing rules apply with the following additions/clarifications:
- If a unit is going to fire, it must be done before or after a unit completes its movement.
- Spotting :For direct fire, enemy units can only be seen for targeting up to12" away
- This is from Neil Thomas as well as some other rules I have.
- All units have 360 degrees of line of sight (LOS)
- Terrain may block line of sight - and therefore targeting a unit on the
other side - use logic and your own determination, and let the dice
decide if you're not sure.
- [edited 2020-02-15] Spotting and range for shooting is measured from the center of the base edge of the firing unit to the center of the base edge of the target unit. If a unit is not based, measure to the nearest significant part of the model - for example, a tank's hull rather than the barrel of the gun.
- Mortars, howitzers, and other artillery may fire at enemy units within LOS and spotting distance of any friendly unit or they may direct fire on units they have LOS to within spotting distance.
- Mortars, howitzers, and other artillery may fire over intervening units and terrain, unless a scenario specifies otherwise.
- Guns may not fire and limbers/unlimber in the same turn.
- Units in cover providing terrain can only be seen by units outside that terrain if they are in base contact with the edge of the terrain.
- What terrain provides cover is, again, up to you.
- Spotting distance between units in the same terrain may be reduced.
- It can range from base contact to 12" depending on the type of terrain.
- Tanks on a hill, being fired on from down hill, count as in cover (hull down)
To fire, use
one of the following methods:
- As written, and what I currently use: all units roll 1d6 for each of their current Roster Points to hit.
- For a longer game with gradual losses and without the risk of sudden elimination, use the following instead: All units roll 1d6 to hit when attacking.
Hitting targets in the open is as per Morschauser.
All units, except MGs, hit targets in cover on a 6. MGs hit targets in cover on a 4 or 6.
Units make a saving roll for each hit they take from direct and indirect firing.
For each hit taken as the result of an enemy fire action, a unit rolls1d6:
- Units in the open may ignore a hit for each 4 or 6 scored.
- Units in cover may ignore a hit for each 2, 4, or 6 scored.
Mixed weapons support companies:
If a support company mixes mortar and MGs together, for ranges greater than 9", read the dice as if they are a mortar unit (i.e. 4 or 6 hit). For ranges of 9" or under, treat as MG (i.e. 2, 4, or 6 to hit).
Infantry vs Tanks: Infantry (rifle or SMG)
may attack tanks by moving into close range (1") of the tank. This assumes they are bringing AT weapons into the fight.
This is essentially Morschauser's melee method, with a reduction in melee range and some clarifications.
Melee occurs when units eligible for close combat are within 1" of
each other, base-edge to base-edge.
Melee is between two units only. If a melee involves more than one
unit on either or both sides, resolve one melee at a time, at the moving player's discretion, until
one or both sides are eliminated or no more units remain in melee range (1"):
Tanks vs Infantry:
No vehicle other than tanks may overrun infantry. Instead, follow the rule for scout cars Morschauser describes under the Melee section.
A tank need not physically be able to occupy the space beyond the targeted infantry unit - it is sufficient that its move would carry it completely past the target, it it were to move unobstructed.
That is, if a second infantry unit close behind the first, the tank can still overrun the first unit.
Archival photo. Morschauser + Hook's Farm 2017. |