Saturday, February 2, 2019

Imperial Russians - The Bold and the Bearded

Let it be known here and now that I do not under any circumstances like painting beards on toy soldiers.

This is what has kept my Russians from progressing for at least two weeks. Tonight I bit the bullet.

They kind of remind me of the late 60s / early 70s flock-haired G.I. Joe.

There is at least one more painting session before they will be done - I have a lot of touch-ups, the rifles, and the shoulder boards to do. The bases will be yet another session - probably not until the other six figures are done, too.


  1. try thinning the paint down a bit and use a tiny brush - it's quick and will look like a beard pretty easily.

    However, I don't see anything wrong with what you got - it just sounds like it was difficult!!

    Looking good kamerade!

    1. Thank you and thank you for the suggestion! I'll try it out on the next bearded figure (the unit's officer). Fortunately for me, the other four infantry and junior officer for this unit don't have beards.
