Thursday, June 20, 2019

QRS for Company Fire Available

EDIT: I found a few errors and missing things during my Friday night game, so I have temporarily broken the QRS link. Sorry!

Like it says on the tin, I wrote up a QRS for my grid-based WWII (arguably) rules - these include my vehicle rules, such as they are. They are linked over on the side-bar.

"Quick reference sheet" is a bit generous - they are two columns by 4 pages (2 sheets of paper front and back), and contain quite a bit more text than I originally imagined. They could probably stand some trimming but using them in my next campaign game will show me where the unnecessary fluff is (hopefully). So, to cover my bases, I'm calling it a draft document!

It was a challenging exercise and gave me some appreciation for the difficulty rules authors of far more complex systems must face when trying to distill the game down to a few sheets of paper.

If you decide to download/view them/or heaven forbid, play them, where the QRS differs from the current rules link, the QRS takes precedence, as it is based on the most current version of the rules, which still need tidying up before I share them, including adding some visually stunning graphics:

Illustration of which attacks qualify as being against front armor.

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