Sunday, October 27, 2019

Painting Madness and Plans

I got quite  bit of painting done in the last few days, much to my own surprise

Both the Germans and Soviets can now field nine infantry units.

And even better, the Soviets can field their first proper HMG:

Nothing fancy but they will serve the Motherland well. Just don't get me started on the pain of attaching the Maxim to the base.  All hail blu-tack!
The next figures in the queue include a German sniper (CTS), a Soviet commander (Marx, which will be my first "real" conversion attempt), and the second Soviet HMG team (the Zvezda box includes two) . It's probable I'll work on those this week.

Once those are painted, and assuming my painting mojo sticks around, I'll probably return to painting figures for my colonial Imagin-nation / VSF project involving the conflict between Ginland (or is it Gntania?) and Vodkya in the late 19th C. I figure a break before painting any more WWII forces will help prevent burnout.

I'd really like to get a game on the table with my figures, but I'm afraid to stop painting lest another long painting lull begin.


  1. Great machine gun team John. Good to hear your painting mojo has returned.

    1. Thank you! I only wish i had more time to both paint AND game (the hobbyist's lament).


      - John

  2. Go with the flow! Great job on the MG team, I've had a 'thing' for those Russian MG's since I was a kid and got the Airfix Russians one Christmas.

    1. Thank you Ross! I really do like the result despite the assembly frustration with the MG. It has far more pieces than my toy gamer brain understands as necessary. I guess the military modeling people like to have total control of the end result.


      - John
