Thursday, November 14, 2019

Retaking Vierville (again) and a Turn Sequence Idea for G Company

Last weekend, I returned to Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit #1, the first scenario, yet again.

Scene from Sunday night's game.
Two or three turns in on Saturday night, I realized I messed up the reinforcements for the US and so stopped after 2 or so turns (plus it was super late). Sunday night, the game was going well, I finally gave infantry smoke grenades a try, and I felt like I really had a grasp of the turn sequence, but I ran out of time to finish (it was looking pretty solid from the US perspective and not so great from the German). I still had to look things up, although far less often, and I suspect games will play faster soon enough.

Speaking of looking things up, it's been said many times before by may others, but I feel the need to add my voice to the chorus: for reference at the table, the rule book is pretty unhelpful - it's not written or laid out for quick reference (it took me almost 30 minutes to find the rule that explains how infantry units can deploy smoke).

Rule book aside, I enjoy the game quite a bit and look forward to having some time soon to play the scenario to completion (for only the second time).

**** EDIT: I have tried several play tests of my ideas for a change for G Company using The River scenario and Google Draw, (so I can do it in between tasks) and the verdict is, at least as I initially conceived it as Prep Fire Phase / Movement / Fire Phase, this method doesn't work particularly better than the original method nor is it noticeably more fun. It may even be less so. I leave my musings below for posterity's sake. I think perhaps Side A unit by unit activation (or all units in gird space) might work a la Portable Wargame et al.  More testing to follow. *****

Playing ASLSK did cause me to think more about my own turn sequence in G Company which probably comes as no surprise to anybody.

And yes, the possibility exists that I'm overthinking / over-complicating G Company but here we are.
So, I'm currently testing a "prep fire" phase - although not in the same way as ASLSK, just as an option to give Side A a choice to fire then move or move then fire with any given unit. In this way, the side that wins the draw has a chance to disorder the enemy to prevent reaction fire, and then take advantage of that fact in the same turn - something not possible as it is now. As the rules stand without the change, the enemy will always have a chance to rally before they get a chance to move. - which either keeps units in place longer, or exposes them to danger (and favors a defending force that doesn't have to move much).

However, I do think the current sequence adds a degree of friction that is lost with this new idea (the enemy has a chance to rally before you get to move again and so the rally rolls at the start of the next turn take on added meaning) and that I'm not so sure is worth losing. Particularly as the current game plays well

More thinking and more testing to be sure.

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